Admission by Donation
Show your support for the Home County Music & Art Festival!
Home County Music & Art Festival does not charge an admission fee, but needs increasing public support through individual donations in order to continue to produce this great Canadian event.
We encourage those who enjoy the festival to donate a minimum of $10 per day. We strive to provide a wonderful experience that we hope you’ll agree is well worth it.
Watch for our donation campaign at park entrances. You may also donate any time at our Information tent located across from the Bandshell. On occasion, festival volunteers may be available to collect donations at the stages.
While we will always pass the buckets for cash donations at the Festival, this year we’re excited to announce the addition of a tap-based donation system! Home County supporters can safely and simply tap their debit or credit cards at one of six locations throughout the park – all four corners and at the bandshell. By tapping either $5, $10 or $20 you can support the Festival and help to ensure that we can continue to bring you free, live music in the Park for years to come!
Please support this family-friendly, non-profit event, operated by a community organization and administered by a volunteer Board of Directors and over 300 volunteers!
Donations may be made online through Canada Helps, via e-transfer to info@homecounty.ca, via cash/cheque or credit card at our Information Tent, or by sending a cheque made out to the Home County Folk League to:
1017 Western Rd.
London, ON N6G 1G5
A tax receipt will be issued for any donation of $20 or more.
Thank you for your support!