Creative Roots Application

Who should apply?  First time, new vendors who would like to try out the vending experience at Home County Music and Art Festival. 

What is it?  Home County will provide a limited number of 6′ tables located in a large tent situated in the North East section of Victoria on the Craft Path.  Tables will be available for a fee for the Creative Roots artisans to attractively display and sell the wares.

2022 Creative Roots fee 

  • $250 with approved application and payment before May 15, 2022

  • $275 with approved application and payment after May 15, 2022

 Applicants will be sent to our jury and selected based on the quality and suitability of the product, similar to the criteria upon which other craft vendors are selected.

 Creative Roots vendors may purchase a weekend parking pass at the fee of $25 to access the Kiwanis parking lot during the festival hours.

 Vendors will be encouraged to remove their product overnight Friday and Saturday.  Security will be provided within the park but Home County accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen items.